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People usually see the world, it can be divided into bottom, head, looking down at three. Head is the most normal and most comfortable vision, from the bottom to the calm sense of balance, contains a mature and confident, reasonable manner,...

Interview with general manager

Interview with general manager

據《當代 水產 》訊,提起博尚生化飼料(湛江)有限公司,不少同行情不自禁豎起了大拇指,說它是一站式蝦苗繁殖用品超市,做得不錯,育苗生產所需的飼料、設備、器材等產品基...

Annual gathering of breeders

Annual gathering of breeders

Cut a silk time, write a tie old words between the lines, exhibited the influence of the moon breeze territory, including a secluded grove fence daisy love to read in the eyes, the story is read in the past, is a heart sound read in years,...

Culture Salon of president of Aquatic Products Association

Culture Salon of president of Aquatic Products Association


Hold a lecture on filial piety culture

Hold a lecture on filial piety culture

弘揚中華優秀傳統文化,為湛江崛起貢獻力量 博尚生技實業(湛江)有限公司舉行孝文化講座 百善孝為先。為弘揚行孝美德,以孝文化促進企業和諧發展,1月22日下午,博尚生技實業...

ICP: 粵ICP備14084611號    Copyright ? Bonasse Copyright weaving dreams

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